Friday, February 10, 2012

Obama- Pro abortion!

"Our rights as individuals", sounds nice. That is USA, or?

Barack Obama once again stood on the barricades fighting for the right to own your own body, the 23 of january 2012, by celebration the 39th anniversary of the Wade vs Roe-case. On the other side stands the largest lobbying group you can imagine: The religious fanatics in the Christian Right (CR).

The ongoing abortion-war is about that Obama wants to have abortions easier to do, with Obamacare. The health insurance shall help the woman. 
The CR thinks it is unjust towards the unborn baby and talks about religious freedom.

Well, lets see what religious freedom is, in my eyes:
*You have the right to believe in what so ever god/s, or not believe at all.
*Your believe and actions of your belief shall not hurt or miscredit others.
*You have the right to change religion without anyone argue you are doing wrong.
*You are not allowed to force your religion on others.

So, you in the CR:
If your daughter believes it is right to make an abortion you shall not stop her. (even if the Catholic church says something others, with humanae vitae).

When you, CR says that "most of the people in the US are against abortions you are wrong, according to The New York Times. Only 20 % wants to make it illegal, while 77% wants it to be free!
This is just the way the CR wants to keep the patriarchy.

What is most terrible here is that the CR in Texas thinks it is ok to force the woman to do an ultra sound before they do the abortion. On this link you can see the clip when Joy Behar and Barbara Walters says it is heartbreaking to force them. I do totaly agree with her, but the most blogs are acting aganist it...

Shame on the religion that still tries to enslave people.
(Most of the links in this post are from anti abortion pages "pro life". Somehow it is easier to find those than the others... Looks like the CR are rich and tries to use its money to get more slaves.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

ACTA- a reality!

In Swedish “akta” means beware. That is really what we have to do right now in these times of “over the state” negotiations done by huge multinational companies together with negotiators from EC and the US under strict confidentiality.

If you need more neutral information about it read here (link to Wikipedia), before you proceed. I you remember it Wikipedia did have a black out the 18th of January to show what might happen if ACTA and SOPA becomes a reality, but that should not affect the article because there everything have to be neutral written. On Wikipedia one user has made a list of everything he could find about ACTA in both Swedish and English, both neutral and NPOV. That list for even more information is here.

The purpose of the ACTA seems to be good-to stop copies of programs and music that is not bought, so called pirate copies. Why is this ACTA then such a bad thing?.

1 You might loose your internet connection without a court decision, if a company thinks you have illegal stuff on your computer. Then it is up to you to prove they are wrong.

2 This might happen with internet companies too, if they have servers. They might be stopped even if it is not they who uploaded it to the server. Just look what happened to Megaupload. They had some illegal programs (according to FBI). The owner was put in jail and the servers where closed. Now the companies who started this wants to erase everything on the servers without people being able to get their own private things back (that might be private movies and photos from vacations), this even if the domstol isn't ready yet. Why do they want to erase evidence? Maybe there were not as much illegal stuff as they thought? No matter what- They are stealing from the up-loaders!

3 The costums will be able to control all computers and USB-sticks while you travel abroad. This means they might use it for industrial espionage (something that the US would like to do, I'm sure), but it will also be a humiliation for us ordinary people.

4 If you own equipment that might be used for piracy copying the police will be obligated to confiscate it. WHAT? Every computer now a days have R/W DVD-players (DVD-plyers able to copy files). If that part becomes true I don't know what will happen!!!

The list could be even longer, but I stop there to get on with the real story about ACTA.
Sweden has signed ACTA, that we are willing to use it when it is ready. That was done in Japan by our ambassador, Lars Vargö, educated in Japanese and orient history, but nothing about computers. As DN writes (Swedish link) some of the Swedish politicians, like Christian Engström, sitting in the EU did not know anything about the signing! They who are meant to take decision! That is pretty scary.

Those who have written the ACTA are companies, not states!

On Saturday 4th of February at 12:00 there will be a demonstration aganist ACTA at Sergels torg in Stockholm. When I looked at the event in facebook there were  9 400 person saying they will come, and rising. Hopefully this will show the parliament of Sweden what the people thinks about it.