Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Electromagnetic hypersensitivity in Mora part 2

After this blogg a woman critizised me a lot, while I tried to use science as a weapon. I thought that the politicians in Mora did wrong by then when they wanted to close down a lot of the electromagnetic ariels preventing people to use cellphones and look at TV, but today they descided to not close it according to Aftonbladet and Expressen. According to science there are no such thing as Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (read about the science), physically, but there are mentally. I feel pity for him and I hope there will be a treatment for him exept his silverbag over his head as seen on the Expressen-link.
According to DN one of the inhabitants in the village are very happy, because it would be a safety risk for everyone if they closed down the possibility to call 112. According to Tore Fahlström, board member of the Swedish Electromagnetic hypersensitivity-organisation in this debate there do exist evidence. He links to this blogger, and there you can read by yourself to see what you think about it. Press the English flagg.

What about my opinion: Do more research, and do not jump into conclusions and bad decisions.
It feels nice to see that CUF (the political party Centerpartiet's youth organistaion) do not agree with what happened in Mora, and writes on Newsmill that in the politics you are not allowed to make the decisions from that it "feels good", but you have to use evidence based science. There are still hope for the future!